Our Video Production Services
VideoWorks is a Dublin based video agency that provides high-quality video content to some of Ireland’s leading companies and government organisations. Our services include:

Whether a conference, a product launch or a festival, capturing an event on video is a crucial way of documenting the event and marketing it to a wider audience. We offer professional event videography services in Dublin and can capture your live event using ...[read more]

A strong corporate video showcasing and documenting your business or organisation has become a must have for any business with an online presence. Whilst the internet is often the primary home for this content, impactful corporate videos with a strong message are also hugely valuable when …[read more]

Why use animation instead of video? Animated videos, explainer videos, whiteboard videos are a fantastic way of communicating an important or complex message to an audience. They offer clarity, 100% control of the message and can be presented in an easy way that can help inform …..[read more]

We specialise in the production of content for the educational sector with numerous clients from the school, college and University fields. Our videos can educate, instruct and inform and we can deliver traditional video formats as well as E-Learning content. With your educational and training needs in mind we want to help you communicate with ….[read more]
Using video to making your product stand out from the crowd and boosting your sales is our speciality. Promotional video production is increasingly important for businesses of all sizes. No matter what sector (retail, agriculture, pharmaceutical, engineering etc.), promoting your business, product or service is vital ….[read more]
We believe that videos can encourage change on a personal level and a societal level. We have worked with many passionate and dedicated organisations to help them achieve that. Whether a call-to-arms, a charity appeal or an informational video, we have been delighted to be….[read more]

Often alongside video production services, we are often asked to provide high-quality photography services. Our clients are some of Ireland’s leading companies and organisations and our team are some of Ireland’s best photographers. We specialise in ….[read more]

Time-lapse photography and video is a very hands-off way to create video content. It requires a considerable of planning and logistics. It also uses a very specific piece of kit and each job presents it’s own challenging. You can capture literally years’ worth of footage but it’s vital that you hire a professional ….[read more]

Figuring out how you market your product, service or even yourself is vital for business success. Marketing is the action of promoting and selling but vital to that is to strategise including research into how best to execute a marketing campaign and distilling an advertising strategy. Video production is a vital component of this today ….[read more]